Who we work with

Supported activities
Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova

Visits: 1793

Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova is an organisation that aims to support local development in both rural and urban areas of the Republic of Moldova, working with different partners from public, civic and entrepreneurial sectors. As the Representation of the Solidarity Fund PL, we establish partnerships with different national and international organisations by creating synergies that aim to develop the local communities. These collaborations are the basis of a continuous and balanced development process with wonderful results.

Our beneficiary partners - representatives of small affairs, non-governmental or non-commercial organisations, starting or experienced entrepreneurs, household owners, local public authorities - are gaining not only co-financing opportunities within the programs, that develop their businesses, communities, country, but also training sessions, that lead to the formation of initiative groups, that are functioning not only within the programs, but also afterwards, as independent entities.


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