
Extended | Selection of the service provider for the analysis development on the LEADER approach impact in the Republic of Moldova

Visits: 282
Publication date: 23.10.2023

Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova is selecting the service provider for the elaboration of the analysis regarding the impact of the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova and the evaluation of the implementation experience of the first call of the National LEADER Program.

Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova is the representation of Solidarity Fund PL, a state foundation, managed and co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, created to contribute to the development of neighboring countries. In 2023, Solidarity Fund PL successfully completed the process of obtaining the EU “Pillar Assessment” certification, joining the group of entities with greater capacities to access European funds.


In the Republic of Moldova (RM), there are 48 Local Action Groups (LAGs), key actors of the LEADER approach, which cover over 50% of the country’s rural territory, with an expected increase of over 70% by 2025. Since its appearance in the RM in 2016 and until now the LEADER approach has gone through several stages of development. Until 2021, the LAGs were functioning thanks to external funding and in 2022 the first call of the National LEADER Program (LP) was launched, expected for the period of 2022-2023, thus institutionalizing the approach by creating a new support measure at the state level. At the moment, LEADER is financially supported both by means of the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and the Rural Environment (NFDARE), as well as by financial means from development partners.

LP is a new subsidy measure and in the first call 37 LAGs were financed, selected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and financed from NFDARE, managed by the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA). Their activity within the program is provided for by the Subsidies Regulation approved by GD no. 277/2022. In order to facilitate the access of LAGs to public sources, Law no. 50/2021 regarding local action groups was created, amendments were applied to several laws and implementation guidelines for LAGs were developed. Previously, LAGs implemented several financing funds with the support of development partners, implementing more than 850 local development projects in the public, civic and entrepreneurial sectors.

A study dedicated to the impact and results of LEADER is important to estimate the existence and size of the added value that LEADER brings to rural areas, to identify the strong aspects and those that need to be improved in the LEADER ecosystem in the Republic of Moldova. Likewise, this could serve as a source for monitoring the level of implementation of the National Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development of the Republic of Moldova 2030, in which result indicators expected to be achieved through the LAGs are introduced and would come up with recommendations for improving the legislative and implementation framework for the next LP calls.

The study will be carried out within the EU4Moldova: Local Communities program. This study will contribute to the achievement of the program’s objective of ensuring a conducive environment for the development of the LP implementation framework within the NFDARE. The evaluation will also contribute to increasing visibility, sharing the LEADER experience in the Republic of Moldova and promoting the continued involvement of the EU in the development of the LEADER approach. To ensure visibility, the study will be published in Romanian/Russian/English and disseminated among local, national and international stakeholders, and the results of the analysis will be presented at a dedicated event.

For more details: Terms of Reference

The application will contain:

For natural persons:

  1. The updated CV with the description of the experience;
  2. Copy of the higher education diploma;
  3. Contact data (name, surname, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number);
  4. The portfolio: the list of analyses, studies, evaluations or other strategic documents developed;
  5. The plan for carrying out the analysis (the proposed methodology), including specific questions that would be addressed by the analysis, the method of data collection, verification and validation, the stages and terms proposed for the elaboration;
  6. Price offer (the prices indicated by the offeror must be fixed, without VAT and/or other taxes);
  7. Statement of Compliance.

For legal entities:

  1. The CVs of the company’s experts, who wish to be trained in the development of the analysis;
  2. Contact data (company name, address of the official headquarters and mailing address, e-mail address, contact person data, telephone number);
  3. Extract from the state register with a term of no more than 1 year from the date of its issuance;
  4. The portfolio: the list of analyses, studies, evaluations or other strategic documents developed;
  5. The plan for carrying out the analysis (the proposed methodology), including specific questions that would be addressed by the analysis, the method of data collection, verification and validation, the stages and terms proposed for the elaboration;
  6. Price offer (the prices indicated by the offeror must be fixed, without VAT and/or other taxes);
  7. Statement of Compliance.

Note: The employing organization may request, if necessary, additional relevant documents.

Contract duration: December 2023 – October 2024 (negociable)

The selected provider will be contacted for the interview/negotiation of the contract.

The deadline for submitting the application: 30/11/2023, 23:59

The application shall be sent to the email address: procurements@solidarityfund.md, with the title of the message: Analysis services – LEADER.

NB! Questions regarding the application can be sent to the email address: procurements@solidarityfund.md no later than 3 days before the deadline for submitting the application.

For more details: Terms of Reference

*The applicant has the right to independently establish the limits of the confidentiality of the data provided and to state which of the documents attached to the offer are confidential.

** Personal data will be processed by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova for the purpose of carrying out the procurement process, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force and internal rules. The provision of personal data is carried out voluntarily. The refusal to provide data leads to the impossibility of concluding the contract with Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova. Individuals have the right of access to their personal data, their portability and rectification. Personal data can be transmitted to development partners, auditors, public legal bodies, lawyers – for the purpose of controlling Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, protecting rights, resolving disputes. Personal data will not be transmitted to other third parties without the prior consent of the applicant. Any questions regarding personal data can be directed to Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova by e-mail info@solidarityfund.md.

*** In order to make the procurement process transparent, the results of the call with the information on the selected provider (name/surname, first name, service provided, price, period) will be published on the website of Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova. Participating in the call by sending the documents means accepting the publication of the results of the competition, except for information marked as confidential.

This activity is carried out with the support of the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” program, financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland – Assistance to Poland; implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Solidarity Fund PL (SFPL) in Moldova.