
New financing contracts signed within the Small Project Fund, LEADER and LEADER+ rural edition

  • News
12 July 2019
Visits: 681

On April 23rd, 2019, new financing contracts were signed, as well as a new training within the Small Projects Fund, LEADER and LEADER+ edition.

After Tomasz Horbowski, director of Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, Marina Albu, the president of the National LEADER Network from the Republic of Moldova, and Radu Tucan, SPF coordinator, brought their kind regards, those 50 participants of the event – managers and LAG presidents and the responsible structure, have discussed and debated a series of subjects for the next stages in the LAGs’ activity.

Marina Albu presented the methodology and the implementation process, after which, together with the present guests, there were established the next steps, deadlines and organizing methods of the selection contest of the micro-projects and their implementation.

Radu Tucan presented a series of suggestions in order to make the aforementioned processes more efficient, and established a series of document models for the proposal call in the LAGs, as well as more regarding the methodology of cooperation and communication with the partners. “The LAG is not a closed group. You should co-finance those projects that really deserve that and it doesn’t matter if they belong to LAG members or not”, Radu mentioned.

The most important part of the event was the signing of the financing contracts for the LAGs, that were selected to be financed within the SPF 2019, LEADER and LEADER+ rural edition.


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members