Success stories

Capacity building of partners at the local level in the field of technical expertise within the project “Support  for cities-poles of growth” 


5 September 2022
Visits: 245

Capacity building of partners at the local level in the field of technical expertise within the project “Support  for cities-poles of growth”.

Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova offers support to institutions and stakeholders involved in the field of urban development since 2017. According to the collaboration relations established with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova (MIRD) for the years 2022-2023, Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova will grant the necessary support for both the Ministry and the local public authorities for the implementation of the provisions of Government Decision no. 916/2020 regarding the approval of the National Program for the development of growth pole cities in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2021-2027 (here in after the National Program), especially for the capacity building of cities-poles of growth. 

An activity dedicated to the effective operationalization of the National Program is oriented towards the creation and capacity building of the Project Implementation Units (PIU) within the six cities-poles of growth: Edineț, Soroca, Ungheni, Orhei, Cahul and Comrat. This is also achieved through collaboration with the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) in the country. 

Support for capacity building of local partners is part of the Support Program of the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova regarding the effective implementation of the National Program. In this sense, the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova is going to offer in 2022-2023 support for the institutional development of the PIU in the 6 cities-poles of growth (action initiated in 2021). 

In order to strengthen the partners’ capacities at the local level, the first 2 thematic modules were delivered between April and June 2022: Strategic Planning and Project Management. 

In the following, in order to achieve the process of capacity building of the Project Implementation Units, the activities will be focused on the field  of Technical expertise. 

For capacity building in the field of technical expertise a training module is to be developed and implemented through at least 1 event (training) organised for local actors which would include, but not be limited to: 

  1. The role of personnel with technical capabilities in the development of policy and territorial planning documents, including in the process of developing/updating the GUP; 
  1. Elements of technical expertise at the stage of project planning as well as at the stage of developing project concepts, including by providing support in the preparation of the set of documents required to be attached to funding applications, depending on the existing request within the project selection calls; 
  1. Monitoring the quality and volumes of works, technical supervision to ensure an efficient implementation of investment projects; 
  1. Requirements for technical expertise regarding the conclusion of projects and ensuring sustainability; 
  1. The national legal and normative framework in the field of technical expertise and other related spheres; 
  1. Technical expertise best practices, tools and rules. 

More details on the evaluation criteria and application procedure can be found in the Terms of Reference. 

Deadline for applications: 07 October 2022, 12.00. 

* By submitting the file, the Bidder expresses himself to Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova expressly and unequivocally consent to process personal data for the purpose of making the announced purchase. The applicant has the right to independently establish the limits of the confidentiality of the data provided and to state which of the documents attached to the offer are confidential. 

**Personal data will be processed by Solidarity Fund PL exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the procurement process, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force. Individuals have the right to the portability of the data provided and to their rectification. Personal data will not be transmitted to other third parties without the prior consent of the applicant. If you have any questions regarding your personal data, you can contact us at the email address info@solidarityfund.md. 

***For the purpose of the transparency of the procurement process, the results of the auction with information on the selected provider (name/surname, first name, service provided, price, period) will be published on the website of Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova. Participating in the auction by sending the documents means accepting the publication of the results of the competition, except for information marked as confidential. 

****Until the signing of the Service Contract, the selected Provider will sign a declaration of compliance. 


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in Republic of Moldova


local development
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