
Galina Mihai: “You have to be fearless in writing projects and implementing them”

  • Rural development
  • Stories
26 November 2019
Visits: 802

In the middle of November, we’ve embarked on a trip to the commune of Cucuruzeni – we have so many interesting projects in the “Bastina Gospodarului” LAG, so our team decided to go there and talk to the locals about the achieved results.

One of the projects is “Confort la Biblioteca” (in En: “Comfort in the library”). A priority for the LAG is the Sports, culture and recreational services development, and Galina Mihai, a librarian in the village, managed to create the necessary comfort for all the visitors of the Cucuruzeni Library.

“This institution was founded in 1974. Its windows and door haven’t been changed for quite a while – we’ve heated the place with the help of the fireplace, but it was useless, as it was cold no matter what”, Mrs. Mihai tells us. “We’ve knocked on many doors, searching for financial support for the partial renovation of the library and we’re thankful that we’ve found it in the LAG, as we’ve changed what we needed and we’re feeling warm”.

Mrs. Galina has been working as a librarian for eight years. “This is the cultural-educational centre of the area, and we’ve been collaborating with the gymnasium, House of Culture, the health centre – in short, with everyone”, she says. The library also has volunteers. “At the moment, we have 514 library subscribers, and almost 140 of them are the school’s pupils, and the rest – the locals of Cucuruzeni. The library is used under diverse aspects – as a place to find a variety of books, including the ones on the village’s  history, and as a place with a free access to the worldwide web, as the institution, within another national project, acquired new computers and internet service”, Mrs. Mihai adds.

Our team had the chance to get to know a few pupils from the local school, and some of the artists, that enchanted us with beautiful songs about their village under the accordion rhythms. We’ve heard some stories and some fables.

“My advice to those that want to make a change – make it and be fearless in writing projects and implementing them. It’s important to write simple, yet sincere projects, so everyone understands the needs of the community”, Mrs. Galina urges.

The “Comfort in the library”, implemented by the Cucuruzeni Library, Orhei district, was implemented within the USAID LEADER Activity project, co-finance by the United States Agency for International Development – USAID, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, programme for development cooperation – Polish aid and implemented by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova.


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


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