
The Urban Revitalization Program is a valuable experience, and the local community should be involved in it

  • Stories
  • Urban development
12 July 2019
Visits: 766

The Urban Revitalization Program (hereinafter URP) is an ambitious initiative – it is oriented to the integral and sustainable development of cities, starting with the revitalization zone. In the frameworks of this particular initiative, we get to know the urban communities, as well as bright project ideas that are meant to improve the lives of the citizens.

“The drafting of the Balti Municipality’s URP has come a long way”, Dan Moraru says, the Chief of the External Relations and Attraction of Investments Service of the Balti Mayoralty, as well as the responsible person for the Municipality’s URP. “We’ve gone through various stages of registering in the proposal’s call for technical support, we’ve thoroughly analyzed the area of our Municipality according to the social, economic, environmental, technical and spacio-functional indexes. After this processes, we have identified the Slobozia zone as the revitalization zone and, afterwards, we have executed a Fact Finding Mission.”

The adjoining area of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” middle school has a striking potential – a big number of public and educational institutions, health centres, green areas and other important urbanistic elements. “After the Consultation Committee’s meetings, we got our project’s vision – Together for a healthy lifestyle, social inclusion and security in the adjoining area of the ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ middle school. Now, we’re in the process of elaboration of revitalization projects”, Dan adds.

The revitalization problems and their solutions have been discussed during many interactive meetings – experts from Poland participated at one of them. “We’re 18 now – various active people”. After these meetings, some of the selected project ideas were the rehabilitation of pedestrian access and the improvement of the green areas from the Cahul street from Slobozia zone, the restoration and improvement of a children playground, the creation of better activity environment in educational institutions for its workers and children and the rehabilitation of street light near public institutions.

“The Revitalization Programme is a worthy example when it comes to the improvement of the community, a great process and a valuable experience, during which it is absolutely necessary to involve the local community”, Dan mentions.

Find out more on the Revitalization Programme by clicking here


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members