
Seven new LAGs will be created in the Republic of Moldova

  • News
  • Rural development
26 October 2020
Visits: 722

The National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, announces the creation of seven new Local Action Groups within the “LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova” project, financed by the European Union and Polish Aid.

The “Local Action Groups creation initiative”, started within the project, foresees the constitution of institutionalised partnerships by mobilising the community and developing a dialogue among the public, entrepreneurial and civic sectors. There were registered 38 application proposals within the call, the majority of them arriving from the Centre of the country (60%), from the South (30%), and North-Centre (5%) and North (5%).

According to LEADERin.md, during the month of September, ten (10) work visits were undertaken in the pre-selected territorial partnerships. As a result, seven (7) selected initiatives for LAG creation were selected. The results and the given scores can be consulted here.

Through this project, the created partnerships will shape the strategic planning process, will identify and work with the potential of the areas, will detect the development priorities. Moreover, they will benefit from the expertise on the process of officialising and consolidating the capacities of the Local Action Groups. The whole selection process will be a complex one, implying the analysis of the files, territory visits and evaluation sessions.

We remind you that, at the moment, there are 32 Local Action Groups that implemented hundreds of projects that contribute to the rural development and improvement of the living conditions of the locals, as well as the image of the microregions.

For additional information, please contact Patricia Varzari, the project coordinator — varzari.leader@gmail.com.

The call for proposals is organised within the EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund 2020, of the “LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova” project, financed by the European Union and Polish Aid, managed by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova. Strategic partner — the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment.

Read the news on LEADERin.md.


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members