The informational campaigns of the LAGs financed within the EU — LEADER RDF 2020: Statistics
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- Rural development
A few months ago, the EU — LEADER Rural Development Fund, 2020 edition, was launched within the “LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova” project. The Fund is implemented by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, in partnership with the National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova, and with the financial support of the European Union and Polish Aid.
Each selected LAG that received financial support within the EU — LEADER RDF, 2020 edition, took on the responsibility to carry on transparent informational campaigns on the LAG’s funding opportunities in the civic, entrepreneurial and public sectors of the rural areas.

The LAGs’ informational campaigns have taken place between June and July 2020 — there were organized 146 informational sessions, 78% of which were held offline in compliance with public health measures. The number of the online sessions was low, at 22%, but on the positive side — they were organised in more than a half of the LAGs, which proves the flexibility and adjusting abilities to the reality we have due to the pandemic.
Additionally to the informational sessions, there were offered individual consultations by phone or at the LAGs’ offices. 2 288 persons were informed about the call’s documentation and the steps of writing a project for a funding opportunity. Every fourth person applied with interesting project ideas that are useful for the development of the Moldovan village. As a result, RDF received 543 applications (94% in the first round and 6% in the second one).

The total budget solicited out of 543 applications was worth more than MDL 27 million, which surpasses 2.3 times the planned budget of approximately MDL 12 million.
The total budget of the Rural Development Fund is worth MDL 15,466,000.00. It was offered to the LAGs with the aim to use them for the institutional development at the internal and strategical levels, as well as for the support of the rural entrepreneurs, small-sized infrastructure interventions, promotion of the local values, identification of solutions in crisis situations and other. The statistic data regarding the information campaigns of the LAGs, financed within the RDF, can be consulted here.

years of activityin Republic of Moldova
local developmentprojects co-financed