
Online Seminar: Sharing Economy pilot actions (implementation seminar)

  • Events
  • Urban development
12 July 2023
Visits: 326

An online seminar will be organised within the Public4SMEs+ project on 25.07.2023 at 10.00 (Moldova time: UTC+3 / EEST). The seminar aims at concluding the Public4SMEs+ project activities, with a focus on sharing outcomes and the main conclusions, being also a networking event and creating a regional communication platform regarding the Sharing Economy philosophy.

General context: 

The event is organised within the Public4SMEs+ project (www.public4sme.eu), representing the final project activity and closing event. Public4SMEs+ project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungrary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The project is leaded by the Mazovia Development Agency Plc., in a consortium of organisations from Ukraine – NGO Agency of European Innovations, Moldova – Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, Slovakia – Center for innovation partnerships, Hungary – HETFA Research Institute Ltd. The main organiser of the event is Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova

Project goal: 

ensuring supportive conditions for strengthening micro, small and medium-sized enterprises [MSME] in urban areas during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, as well in the phase of economic recovery.  

The consequences of the pandemic crisis are complex and already affects the world by price increases, broken production chains, a huge lack of resources, etc. Registering deepening crisis in many branches leads to the need of applying new consumption models and adapting the processes to different public restrictions. Despite national governments actions to mitigate the negative effects, multiple public institutions at regional and local levels must be involved and support the companies in a downturn. In this context public resources at the local level acquires a special value becoming suitable leverage for business development in the framework of SHARING ECONOMY MODEL to support MSME. The Public4SMEs+ project (implemented during February 2022 – July 2023) is a logical continuation of the project financed by IVF during October 2020 – March 2021.  

Event objective:

The seminar is the final event of the project and aims and networking and sharing experience. Sharing means place and time to exchange results of Pilot Action between cities and partners. The Pilot Action represents the logical continuation of the project’s outcomes in the Ist phase mainly the developed Sharing Box (Quick Tool). The pilot ideas are expected to be elaborated based on the good practices identified and studied at the first phase, will serve as future project opportunities to the benefit of the local economies and therefore by general public. Added value of every Pilot Action is storytelling potential for future implementation of the initiatives and possibility to stimulate wider public interest. 

The working language of the event is English (consecutive translation will be available for PL-ENG, RO-ENG, UA-ENG only in exceptional cases). Those wishing to participate can submit via email to:  urban@solidarityfund.md a short request (incl. name, organisation, city, country) for the event link (on Teams, provided by the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova. 

It is expected the event to be attended by approx. 20 persons (representatives of LPAs and MSMEs from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova; project consortium representatives & experts from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary; guests, etc.).


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members