
The village of Văleni has been recognized as one of the most attractive tourist villages in the world

  • News
  • Rural development
27 October 2023
Visits: 220

The decision was made by the Secretary-General of UNWTO following the recommendation of the Advisory Council, which selected the village of Văleni from among 260 applications from over 60 countries. As a result, Moldova was recognized, for the first time in this global competition, as a renowned tourist destination. Over the past few years, the

The decision was made by the Secretary-General of UNWTO following the recommendation of the Advisory Council, which selected the village of Văleni from among 260 applications from over 60 countries. As a result, Moldova was recognized, for the first time in this global competition, as a renowned tourist destination.

Over the past few years, the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova has supported the development of the village of Văleni. Together with the Local Action Group (LAG) of the Lower Prut Valley, they have implemented seven local projects aimed at developing and promoting tourism in the region. These projects include promoting traditional attire and gastronomy, creating recreational spaces, building a modern wastewater treatment station, and renovating guesthouses. The implementation of these projects has been supported by USAID Moldova, the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, and Polish Aid Moldova.

This achievement comes shortly after the launch of the pilot process to establish the first Destination Management Organization (DMO) on the Lower Prut Valley LAG platform. Consequently, the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova will continue to support initiatives for the development of rural tourism, both in the village of Văleni and throughout the Lower Prut Valley region, to harness the tourism potential in the southern part of the country. The pilot DMO process will encompass more than 30 tourist attractions, including guesthouses, rural homes, culinary and crafts workshops, wineries, museums, recreation complexes, beekeepers, ethnofolklore ensembles, and the Lower Prut reserve.

Best Tourism Villages is a UNWTO initiative aimed at promoting villages that preserve local culture and traditions, protect biodiversity, and offer a wide range of development opportunities for local communities.


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members