
Capacity building service provider

31 decembrie 2021
Vizite: 291


In order to plan the support of partners capacity building, Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova conducted in 2020 an „Assessment Report on the Institutional Potential of Cities – Growth Pole for the Implementation of Urban Development Projects and Programs.” The results of this report show that in different cities there is a different level of development needs, based on the structure of town halls and the number of staff, as well as the personal capabilities of employees. 


Elaboration of the described training modules (strategic planning and project management) and its implementation within at least 2 events organized for regional and local actors, whose role is imperative in identifying the development vision of the citiesgrowth poles, ensuring their role in the context of a polycentric development, in which the 6 cities (Soroca, Edinet, Ungheni, Orhei, Cahul and Comrat) are to identify and consolidate their economic functions within a network of balanced urban settlements on the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova. 

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Examination of the provisions of Government Decision no. 916/202 on the approval of the National Program for the development of the cities-growth poles in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2021-2027; 
  • Analysis of the provisions of the document „Recommendations for local public authorities on the organization of the institutional and planning framework at the local level for initiating the implementation of the National Program for the development of the cities-growth poles in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2021-2027”; 
  • Development of 2 capacity development modules at regional and local level (strategic planning and project management) and other.


  • Team with skills and abilities of training in the fields specified at point 2 – at least 1 specialist on each subject, who have a master’s degree (or equivalent) in the field of Public Administration, Law, Project Management, Public Policy or other related fields; 
  • Min. 20% of the team are specialists from the Republic of Moldova (with a high level of knowledge of the sphere of regional development and urban development in the country, as well as the specifics of legislation, procedures, etc.) and other.


Personal data will be processed by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova exclusively for the purpose and process of employment, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. This data will not be passed on to other third parties without the prior consent of the data subject.  

Procedura de selecție și evaluare

1. Evaluarea formală

La această etapă, va fi realizată verificarea cerințelor formale. Aceasta include examinarea corespunderii dosarului cu Termenii de Referință, precum și verificarea tuturor componentelor dosarului (CV, scrisoarea de intenție). Evaluarea formală este realizată de Specialistul Junior Resurse Umane. La această etapă sunt selectate CV-urile care întrunesc toate cerințele formale.

2. Interviuri preliminare

Candidații la interviu sunt selectați în funcție de calitatea dosarului. În cadrul interviului, condus de minim 3 evaluatori, vor fi verificate informațiile în contextul funcției vacante anunțate, prezentate de candidat în CV și scrisoarea de intenție. Se va ține cont de competențele, motivația și atitudinea candidatului față de cultura organizațională a Solidarity Fund PL în Moldova.

3. Interviuri de selecție

La recomandarea echipei de recrutare, Directorul de Țară va selecta una sau mai multe persoane pentru următoarea etapă a procesului de recrutare – al doilea interviu. Acesta va fi condus de către Directorul de Țară și/sau Directorul Adjunct, după caz. Al doilea interviu va constitui ultima etapă a procesului de recrutare.