Closure of the LEADER Approach for Rural Prosperity in Moldova project marked by a photo exhibition
- Events
- Rural development
Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and the National LEADER Network announce the closure of the LEADER Approach for Rural Prosperity in Moldova project, which ran from 1 February 2020 to 28 February 2022.
During the implementation period, the project activities contributed to the promotion of the LEADER approach in Moldova as a tool ensuring sustainable development and modernization of rural areas in the country. In this regard, the Local Action Groups provided support to 230 local development initiatives as part of the Rural Development Fund 2020 and 10 innovative entrepreneurial projects were supported as part of the Pilot Initiatives Fund 2020. The project also contributed to the consolidation of LAGs as development models for specific sectors of activity with the potential to significantly enhance the economic development of the region.
At the same time, 7 new LAGs were created based on the LEADER methodology and the development of 17 partnerships between Moldovan LAGs was encouraged in order to promote and share the LEADER experience, and also to increase the institutional and implementation capacities of the LAGs for the development of their micro-regions.
One of the major results of the project is the promotion of the LEADER approach as a national policy and the creation of a favorable environment for the development of the legal framework for the operation of LAGs and their financing from the National Fund for Agricultural and Rural Development. Thus, on 9 April 2021, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova passed Law on Local Action Groups No. 50. This Law allows for registering LAGs as legal entities and implementing local development strategies through the National LEADER Program (NLP), conceptualized and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) jointly with the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA). The launch of the pilot edition of the National LEADER Program will take place at the call of MAFI and is planned for two consecutive years, 2022-2023.
On the occasion of the project closure and in anticipation of the NLP pilot edition, the photo exhibition LEADER Approach for Rural Prosperity in Moldova was organized. It exhibits 20 examples of success stories. It will be open to the public from 25 March to 3 April 2022 and can be visited on the ground floor of AIPA and MAFI headquarters at bd. Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt 162, Chisinau. This exhibition is held in partnership with the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture. Photos can also be viewed in an online gallery available here.
More details about the activities and results of the project can be found in the brochure.
The LEADER Approach for Rural Prosperity in Moldova project was funded by the European Union and Polish Aid, implemented by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and the National LEADER Network of Moldova. Strategic partner – Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova.
years of activityin Republic of Moldova
local developmentprojects co-financed