
EU – LEADER RDF 2020: 29 LAGs have registered

  • News
  • Rural development
31 March 2020
Visits: 671

29 LAGs have registered within the call for proposals regarding the EU – LEADER Rural Development Fund 2020. The LAGs list can be seen in the image:

The results of both formal and content evaluations will be published after April 10 on the www.solidarityfund.md page.

We want to remind you that 20 LAGs will be co-financed within this call for proposal, that is valued at a total of MDL 15,466,000.00. The projects that cover the rural socio-economic development will be emphasized. We hope that the offered co-funds will support the business activity of the rural area in the present context of our country.

The call for proposals is implemented within the “LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova” project, financed by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland under polish development cooperation programme – Polish aid.


years of activity
in Republic of Moldova


local development
projects co-financed


facilitated partnerships


team members