
EU — LEADER Rural Development Fund 2020: The results of the call for proposals

Vizite: 1028
Data publicării: 23.04.2020

Detailed information, regarding the Action Board’s selection and approval of applications, can be accessed here in Romanian, and the information regarding the application that haven’t met the formal criteria, can be visualised here in Romanian.

The LEADER approach and the Local Action Groups bring concrete changes in the rural areas of the Republic of Moldova. Thus, the EU — LEADER Rural Development Fund 2020, financed by the European Union and Polish aid, aims at supporting these people and these communities, that managed to unite their efforts, to create a dialogue, exploring, together, the local resources.

We’ve received 29 applications within the call for proposals. The FDR’s budget, MDL 15.466.000,00 total, will be offered to the LAGs so as to support the rural entrepreneurship, small infrastructure interventions, promotion of local values, overcoming the crisis situations due to the pandemic etc.

The Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova team, together with partners from National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova, will continue to support the local initiatives. Thus, we announce that there will be other financing opportunities, that will invite the local actors to a successful cooperation in order to support the economic aspect and the image of the Moldova’s villages.

Together, we contribute to the community local development!

The call for proposals is implemented within the „LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova”, financed by the European Union in the Republic of Moldova, co-financed by Polish aid.