
The EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives call for proposals is open

Vizite: 1091
Data publicării: 11.05.2020

The EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund is an instrument that contributes to the diversification of economic activities and consolidation of the entrepreneurial environment in rural areas, thus increasing the well-being of local people. The Fund will offer assistance the initiatives that aim at contributing to: (i) boost economic revitalization and (ii) increase the attractiveness of the country’s rural areas

The Fund aims to identify innovative economic initiatives designed to recognize and explore local potential and resources. It will assist projects  that can serve as role-models for local businesses acting as catalysts for positive development change.  

The total budget of the EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives call for proposals is 3,866,520.00MDL. 

The call is open for individuals, subjects of economic activities such as farmer households, individual enterprises, and legal persons such as companies, associations and producer groups, which are registered according to the legislation  and operate in rural areas, and/or cities with a population of up to 10,000 inhabitants.  

We would like to support initiatives from different economic sectors such as beekeeping, rural tourism, vegetables breeding and other important sectors for local development.  

More information regarding the concept, eligibility information, application procedure, evaluation criteria and other details, in the Call for Proposals’ Participation Rules, that can be downloaded here.  

Please, read the Rules for participation before applying! 

The call for proposals will be divided into two stages: 

Stage 1: Filling in the online application form and annexes. 

In order to complete the online registration form in optimal time we advise you: 

  • To study and prepare the answers by using the word version of the application form, by downloading it here
  • To download and prepare in advance the annexes by downloading them here

If there are any questions regarding the online application form, please follow this tutorial in Romanian, subtitled in Russian.

Please note that the option „save and continue later” is not available for the online registration form, it means the form must be completed at once. Please, see the video tutorial, created to guide you in filling this form. 

The online registration form is available here: Apply 

The deadline for submitting the online applications form is June 15 2020, at 09:00.    

Stage 2: Pre-selected applicants at the first stage will adjust the dossier if necessary based on the recommendations of the evaluation committee and will present a business plan. The results of the Stage 1 and the list of pre-selected participants will be published on the web-page www.solidarityfund.md

The information session regarding the EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund , 2020 edition

On May 22 2020, an online information session will take place. The session will cover the current call for proposals. In order to register to it, please send a message by May 21 2020 on anatolie.pirlii@solidarityfund.md, with the topic „Information session” and leave your contact details in the mail.

If you have any questions regarding the call for proposals, please send them in written form on the following email address — SPF@solidarityfund.md or contact Anatolie Pîrlii, project coordinator — anatolie.pirlii@solidarityfund.md; +373 69 311 592. 

The call for proposals is implemented within the „LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova”, financed by the European Union, co-financed by Polish aid, managed by Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova and National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova.